How to Get and Keep Your Healing - KCM Blog (2024)

You don’t ever have to deal with sickness or disease again. No matter what your situation, you can learn how to get and keep your healing once and for all!

Your days of sickness and disease are over. No matter how long you’ve been struggling, no matter how serious your situation—healing belongs to you. Even if you feel like you’ve been standing for so long, you aren’t sure if you’ll ever see a manifestation—these words are for you.

Not only are we to expect healing, but we should also believe to live in divine health. John G. Lake said, “Divine healing is the removal by the power of God of the disease that has come upon the body. But, divine health is to live day by day, hour by hour in touch with God so that the life of God flows into the body just as the life of God flows into the mind or flows into the spirit.”

Healing is your Covenant right. If you want it—it’s yours. It’s not up for debate, as far as the Word of God is concerned. The problem is, most Christians haven’t truly believed it. They haven’t let it reach down into their hearts and become truth to them. God has said it…but they haven’t yet believed. If that is the case with you today, know this—it is God’s will to heal you. It is in His redemptive plan. It has to be His will because He laid our sickness and disease on Jesus, just as He did our sin (Isaiah 53:5). God made His Word plain, and He always keeps His Word.

Has an isolated experience caused you to believe maybe it isn’t God’s will for everyone to be healed? Don’t let past experiences be the basis for your belief—let the truth of God’s Word be your standard. God’s will for you is healing.

You can take hold of what belongs to you and live in divine health by following the strategies outlined in the Word of God. Here is how you can receive and keep your healing.

1.Stand on the Word of God

“Bless theLord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.” –Psalm 103:2-3 (NKJV)

Anytime a believer has a problem receiving or keeping healing, he usually suffers from ignorance of God’s Word and of his rights and privileges in Jesus Christ. Many people who claim to have faith don’t trust God when it comes to healing. They know the promises, and they even believe healing is for today—they just don’t believe it is necessarily for them. Maybe God won’t. That’s a dangerous thought.

Here’s something you need to understand: Healing always comes.

God’s Word is the vehicle that will get you there. If you are well, God’s Word will keep you well. If you are sick, it will heal you and then keep you well. God’s Word is medicine. But you must give it attention (Proverbs 4:20-23). That means you pay attention to what it says, believe it and act on it.

If you’re bogged down and feeling pressure, that’s a sure sign you’re not giving enough attention to the Word of God. The Word is what causes your life to work. It causes healing to come.

To stand on the Word of God is to meditate on it and make it final authority in your life. You put it in your heart until the reality of your healing has more power and validity to you than the symptoms of sickness coming on your body. One thing you must know: God’s Word does not fail! So, if you catch yourself saying, “Well, the Word isn’t working for me,” then you know automatically that you are not standing.

Be diligent about keeping God’s Word in your heart. Continually read it, listen to it, think about it, talk about it. It will be health to your body (Proverbs 4:22). And when you get healed, you keep your healing by staying on healing scriptures and telling people about your healing.

Keep taking the medicine. Keep taking the Word of God. Keep taking that medicine after you’re healed, and you’ll stay healed. The Word of God is life and health.

2. Don’t Let Symptoms Talk to You

“And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body.” –Romans 4:19 (KJV)

To receive healing, you must make the truth of healing more real than the symptoms in your body. But to keep healing, the fight is really on. The devil has no intention of letting you keep your healing once you receive it. He’s going to try and hoodwink you into giving it up.

So, how does someone lose their healing? Satan will send lying symptoms trying to get the healed person to receive it. Then, as Kenneth E. Hagin describes it, “The minute the first symptoms show up, they say, ‘I thought the Lord healed me. I guess He didn’t.’ And when they say that, they open the door to the devil. Instead of rising up and meeting the devil with the Word of God and commanding his power to be broken, they yield.”[1]

This happened to a man who had been healed in his ears—his hearing had been restored. He was hearing perfectly for several days. But, then, about a week later, he couldn’t hear anymore. The Lord showed him what happened.

As he went about his daily business, the devil would hop on his shoulder and say, “Did you notice you can’t hear as well as you did the other day?” Within a few days, that demon had talked him into losing his hearing. He yielded to it.

That’s why Jesus said, “Hold tightly to what you have until I come” (Revelation 2:25).

How do you hold tightly to your healing?

When the enemy comes at you with symptoms of sickness, you can’t crawl up in the bed and whine, “Why does this always happen to me?” Instead, stomp your foot and say, “Glory be to God, this body is off limits to you, Satan. I refuse to allow you to put that foul thing on my body after Jesus has already taken it for me. So, you might as well pack it up and go home right now!”

It won’t always be easy—you have to make an effort. You have to stand for it, and fight the good fight of faith. But don’t let that scare you. It’s a fight you can win. You can win because Jesus gave you everything you need to win 2,000 years ago. He took your weakness and gave you His strength. He took your sin and gave you His righteousness. He took your sickness and gave you His health. He took every defeat and gave you His victory in its place.

You are the heir of the Greatest Exchange ever made.

3. Let Go of Doubt

“And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.” –Matthew 13:58 (NASB)

The only record of anything hindering Jesus from accomplishing the will of God to heal everyone occurred in Nazareth. He could do no mighty works because of their unbelief. Doubt will rob you of God’s blessings. Unbelief will leave you sick.

The Word of God defeats unbelief. When a person receives the Word, doubt, defeat and discouragement have to leave. So, don’t hang on to any doubt or unbelief. Don’t even dwell on it for a moment. Let the Word of God drive it out. Your life depends on it.

Faith should be highly developed in the Church concerning healing. If it were, Christians would be as quick to believe they are healed as they are to believe they are saved. But seeds of doubt and unbelief have polluted the hearts of believers.

Remember, doubt comes by hearing unbelief, so be careful what you listen to! God wants you healed. But He works only by faith.

Watch as Kenneth Copeland teaches more on how you can receive your healing by faith and love.

4. Cast Your Cares on the Lord

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV)

There are people right now who are on the verge of a manifestation of healing, and it hasn’t come for one reason—they are holding onto their physical condition. In other words, it’s all they think about.

They worry about whether their medication is working, they think about whether or not they should go back to the doctor, get a different doctor, or try yet another special diet. They are so wrapped up in their condition, they have a tight hold on it, and without knowing it, they haven’t let it go and given it to the Lord.

When it comes to receiving and keeping divine healing, Andrew Murray said, “The first thing to learn is to cease to be anxious about the state of your body.”[2]

God loves you so much. He wants you to give every care, worry and anxiety to Him. He’s the One who can deal with it properly! As long as you are holding onto the care of your sickness, you are taking ownership of it, and the Bible says when you do so, you’re failing to humble yourself before God (1 Peter 5:6).

The Word works. Let the Word fight its own fight. Just rest in God, and one day you’ll wake up, and your symptoms will be gone.

5. Confess and Possess

“He will have whatever he says.” –Mark 11:23 (NKJV)

Are you speaking to your mountain or letting your mountain tower over you? You see, faith will move mountains, but it won’t even move a molehill unless you release it with the words of your mouth. Your prayers should line up with the Word of God—just as the words coming out of your mouth should, to achieve results.

Learn the 7 Steps to Prayer that Bring Results.

If we are going to obey God, we must talk to the mountain of sickness and cast it out of our lives (Mark 11:23).

How powerful are words?

Years ago, a minister went to visit a man in the hospital who was unconscious and given up to die by the doctors. The Lord told the minister to tell the man’s wife that if she would obey Mark 11:23, her husband would be healed. So, she did! Day after day, she sat next to her unconscious husband and said, “My husband will live and not die, in Jesus’ Name…My husband will live and not die, in Jesus’ Name.” As a result, the young man was fully healed.

Use these 10 Healing Confessions for Every Day to get started.

Start speaking the Word today. Call things that be not as though they were. As you do, your faith will be strengthened, and your healing will come!

6. Never Let Go

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering.” –Hebrews 10:23 (KJV)

As you put God’s prescription for health and healing to work in your life—putting the Word in your heart, speaking it, resisting the devil—don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Sometimes healing comes instantly, but there are other times when it comes more gradually. So, don’t let your lingering symptoms cause you to doubt. Cast out every thought the devil sends your way.

Then, having done all to stand, stand until your healing is fully manifested. Hold your ground. Don’t waver. James 1:6-8 tells us that one who wavers and doesn’t stand strong is unstable and double-minded, and won’t receive from God.

Remember this: “He who promised is reliableandtrustworthyandfaithful [to His word]…. you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circ*mstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receiveandenjoy to the full what is promised” (Hebrews 10:23, 36 AMP).

When pain comes, when symptoms come, what do you do? You focus on the Word of God; you focus on the promise. Don’t let the devil sway you from your faith stand. Don’t move an inch! Hold on tight!

As you put this plan into action—standing on the Word of God, staying out of doubt and worry, resisting the devil and standing firm—you will position yourself to getand keep your healing. You don’t ever have to be sick again. God’s best for you is to live in divine health every day. Now, go ahead—receive your healing!

[1] Kenneth E. Hagin, How to Keep your Healing, 1980, Faith Library Publications.

[2] Andrew Murray, Divine Healing, Whitaker House, 1982.

Related Articles:

10 Healing Confessions for Every Day

Healing Scriptures to Speak Daily

© 1997 – 2024 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved.


How to Get and Keep Your Healing - KCM Blog (2024)


How do I claim my healing? ›

Here are five (5) steps on HOW TO receive your healing:
  1. 01 - ASK God for what you want, in Jesus' name.
  2. 02 Believe you receive when you pray.
  3. 03 - Guard your mind against doubt.
  4. 04 - Constantly thank GOD for the answer and what He's done in your life.
  5. 05 - Make sure that your words and actions are aligned with your prayer!

What is the most powerful prayer for healing in the Bible? ›

A Prayer for Healing From the Bible

I come before You now, seeking Your healing touch, knowing that Your promises are true and steadfast. In faith, I declare the words from Psalm 103:2-3, "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases."

How to maintain healing from God? ›

You can be healed by believing the Word's promises. You can have and keep a miracle by believing the wonderful promises of the Lord. He will do what He has said. The healing He has brought to so many others, He will bring to you if you only believe.

How do I activate my healing? ›

Here are five tried-and-true ways to activate your healing ability so you can help your body do its job:
  1. Stop stressing out! ...
  2. Drink lots of water. ...
  3. Get enough sleep. ...
  4. Eat right. ...
  5. Think healthy.
Jan 22, 2014

What are the 7 ways of healing? ›

There are seven natural ways of emotional discharge and healing in Indigenous cultures: shaking, crying, laughing, sweating, voicing (talking, singing, hollering, yelling, screaming, etc.), kicking, and hitting. All of these need to be done in a constructive manner so as to not harm another spirit.

How do I activate self healing? ›

Exercising healthfully, sleeping more regularly, reducing stress, going out in nature and developing mind-body skills. Learning to meditate, practicing breathing, focusing the senses—and simply appreciating yourself more.

What is the miracle prayer that never fails? ›

The most effective prayer, the one that is always answered, is this: “Father, glorify Your name.” “Answer my cry, O Lord, in a way that will accomplish Your will, for Your will is good, acceptable, and perfect. It is best for You, and therefore best for me and any others who may be affected by this prayer.

How do I ask God for healing? ›

I come to You now asking that You would work a full recovery in my body - whatever is causing this persistent problem. I pray that You would, in Your mercy, give me back the health and strength I need. Guide me along the path that You have planned for me.

What is the miracle prayer for healing? ›

Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with your Precious Blood, and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I love you Lord Jesus. I praise you Jesus.

What prevents healing from God? ›

Unforgiveness / Sin, Ignorance, and Unbelief are the most common roadblocks. They are the top 3 reasons why some people don't receive healing. Remember that God is on our side. He has given us His Word and His Holy Spirit to help us remove these roadblocks.

How to increase your faith for healing? ›

As soon as your body starts hurting, instead of speaking what you feel or see, speak God's Word. Continue to say what God's Word says until that Word gets down deep and a living faith arises in your heart. As you continue to confess healing scriptures over your body, you will see the manifestation of your healing.

How to ask God for help? ›

“Dear God, I look to no one else for wisdom. I humbly ask for Your help in making one of the most important decisions in my life because I don't know how to make it without You. Please, give me direction and wisdom so I can make the right decision and bring glory to Your name. Amen.”

How do I increase my healing power? ›

5 Ways to Help the Healing Process
  1. Start With a Clean Bill of Health. You'll recover more quickly from injuries if you're in optimal physical shape. ...
  2. Eat Nutrients That Promote Healing. ...
  3. Get Enough to Eat & Sleep Post-Injury. ...
  4. Choose Natural Options to Manage Inflammation. ...
  5. The Long Game: Choose a Healing Lifestyle.

How do I force myself to heal? ›

The emotional healing process takes time, and it looks different for each person. Regardless of what you are healing from, taking steps like practicing self-compassion, practicing mindfulness, caring for your body, and trying therapy can help.

How do I heal myself completely? ›

How to Self-Healing
  1. Identifying the Source of Your Pain. ...
  2. Practising Mindfulness and Meditation. ...
  3. Engaging in Physical Activities and Exercise. ...
  4. Nourishing Your Body with Healthy Foods. ...
  5. Building Strong Support Systems. ...
  6. Practising Forgiveness and Letting Go of Resentment. ...
  7. Developing a Positive Mindset and Attitude.

How can I start my healing process? ›

By identifying the source of our pain, practising mindfulness and meditation, engaging in physical activities and exercise, nourishing our bodies with healthy foods, building strong support systems, practising forgiveness and letting go of resentment, developing a positive mindset and attitude, taking breaks and ...

How do I activate my faith for healing? ›

You can also activate God's power by your words. When you receive healing, you can declare by faith, "HEALING IS MINE. I HAVE IT NOW!" When people really get the revelation of the healing power of God and they understand that Jesus Christ heals them, no one can keep them from receiving what belongs to them!

Where do I start healing and find myself? ›

Healing can be so much more than going to therapy. Try to find things that resonate with you, that make you feel healed, whole, and good. This could include things like yoga, meditation, art therapy, journaling, or simply spending time outdoors.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.