Horoscope today, August 5, 2024: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg (2024)

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. 


March 21 to April 20

Your wellbeing chart takes two different directions and this can make you stronger.

As Venus moves in, you see where aspects may have been affecting your health and how to combat this in ways that benefit everyone.


Horoscope today, August 5, 2024: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg (1)
MYSTIC MEG The Saturn/moon mix in your ambitions sector keeps you moving forward
Horoscope today, August 5, 2024: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg (2)
MYSTIC MEG The more you learn, the more invaluable you become

Mercury flips into reverse, and although a fitness plan may falter, you can get it going again.



April 21 to May 21

Having a set of rules for a creative project may seem far away as the mind planet moves into retrograde – but upheaval can be positive.

You see where you have compromised, perhaps to suit others, and a solution is close.

Passion is pure romance, and even when partners say nothing, they express their devotion.

Get all the latest Taurus horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


May 22 to June 21

A day of unexpected love twists leads to an enchanted evening as Venus and the moon double your ability to cherish.

The key is acting now, not waiting for a perfect moment.

Finding a home you adore comes closer when you widen your criteria, and maybe look again at an address you’ve ignored.

Get all the latest Gemini horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


June 22 to July 22

Conversations can take a direction you don’t expect, as the planet of clarity and logic is on a backward track.

Enjoy the experience, as you learn so much about others and about yourself.

If you’ve started a love message many times, you can finish it – but only press send when you are 100 per cent sure.

Get all the latest Cancer horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


July 23 to August 23

Venus rules finances as well as feelings, and as this planet arrives in your money zone, you are the top cash creator in the zodiac.

Looking at skills or objects you take for granted can open a pathway.

Keeping work-related cash questions civil may not be easy, but it’s worthwhile.

Luck ticks three “A” answers.

Get all the latest Leo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

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August 24 to September 22

Your sign is the place to be, as the planet action is intense.

Strong feelings surface when you are around someone you may not see as a passion prospect, so look again.

If you’re settled, instead of trying to change a partner, change one thing about yourself.

This can sow the seeds of something so special.

Get all the latest Virgo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


September 23 to October 23

Between the moon and maverick planet Uranus, you may feel overwhelmed by big feelings, but this is a sign you are growing into someone who deals easily with stress and challenges.

When you relax, you can feel your own strength.

Love stirs secrets, and when a workmate confides in you, two hearts melt.

Get all the latest Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

List of 12 star signs

The traditional dates used byMystic Megfor each sign are below.

  • Capricorn:December 22 – January 20
  • Aquarius:January 21 – February 18
  • Pisces:February 19 - March 20
  • Aries:March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus:April 21 – May 21
  • Gemini:May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer:June 22 – July 22
  • Leo:July 23 – August 23
  • Virgo:August 24 – September 22
  • Libra:September 23 – October 23
  • Scorpio:October 24 – November 22
  • Sagittarius:November 23 – December 21


October 24 to November 22

The after-effects of the new moon spread through your success sector, and you can feel this as a sense of purpose.

Once you make a plan, no one can stop you moving forward – so make a pledge not to stop.

Passion partners bond over a fun activity – if you’re single, sharing a table can spark attraction action.

Get all the latest Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


November 23 to December 21

Your new love self is more attentive and attractive – you are making an effort to understand people closest to you, and they appreciate this.

If you’re single, instead of writing dates off, give everyone a second chance.

Goals that are simple don’t excite you, but beware of a Mercury-led impulse to complicate things.

Get all the latest Sagittarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


December 22 to January 20

A day of deep inner reflections can lead to a breakthrough by tonight, as the moon and Venus make a brilliant bond.

So you can leave any love doubts behind, and make the decision you know is right.

You may be a slow mover at work, but if this is your pace, protect it – don’t let impatient people push you.

Get all the latest Capricorn horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions



January 21 to February 18

Your usual airy detachment can turn to warm devotion as Venus moves signs – bringing emotions that need handling.

Opening yourself up to love means accepting you could be hurt – but the potential gains are so special.

One set of cash figures could work out better if you divide it into two.

Get all the latest Aquarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


February 19 to March 20

Maybe you resist a new face at work because you sense this person could make demands, but there can be such a strong bond that benefits you both.

By tonight you can see a way forward.

Even love that is growing strongly needs daily attention – make time for this.


Horoscope today, August 5, 2024: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg (10)
Horoscope today, August 5, 2024: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg (11)
moll shook up Molly-Mae looks downcast as she's spotted at garden centre after Tommy split

Single? A happy-go-lucky Virgo can change that.

Get all the latest Pisces horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

Horoscope today, August 5, 2024: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg (2024)


What is the zodiac sign for August 5th? ›

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

What is the zodiac sign for August 21? ›

Leo: July 23 – August 22.

What is the zodiac sign for August 28? ›

In astrology, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about August 23 to about September 22. It is represented as a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat.

What is the zodiac sign for July 30? ›

Leo (July 23-August 23)

Who is Leos soulmate? ›

Leo's best soulmates are usually Aries, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, and Sagittarius. Aries and Sag are fellow fire signs, while Libra and Gemini are clever air signs and the only earth sign is Capricorn. Leo's least likely soulmates are usually earth signs like Virgo plus water signs like Pisces and Scorpio.

What sign would a Leo marry? ›

Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra all hold up pretty well to our scrutiny. A Leo will generally be happy with someone that can match their zest for life and energetic personality. At the same time someone that understands that they need the spotlight every once in a while and supports them in their hobbies and ambitions.

What sign is a Leo compatible with? ›

Leos are best matched with their fire counterparts: Aries and Sagittarius, Stardust says. They also pair well with air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. While those are Leo's ideal matches, Stardust says fixed signs have a way of finding each other. So, Leos may also gravitate toward Tauruses and Scorpios.

What is Leos personality? ›

As the fifth sign of the zodiac, fiery Leo is known for their ferocious and passionate attitude. Always one to embrace life to its fullest, the regal lion has a gregarious and jovial personality that others are often drawn to. Their self-assured, easy confidence comes down to their ruling planet.

Who is a Leo woman compatible with? ›

In terms of your love compatibility with other zodiacs, your ideal love match could be with an Aries, Sagittarius, and Gemini male. In terms of love and compatibility, one of the best-known love matches for a Leo woman according to the charts is Aries Man.

Is A Leo loyal? ›

The sun never goes retrograde, and likewise, Leos are renowned for their stability, loyalty, and consistency. They are dedicated friends and lovers who put their hearts into every relationship. (Fittingly, the Leo sign governs the heart.) Lions love to watch their mates succeed—until they feel threatened.

What are August Leos like? ›

Like a crackling fire, Leos tend to be warm, passionate, and dynamic. They delight in opportunities to let their charismatic, inclusive personality shine. And like the lion that represents them, Leos are also strong, brave, and ready to dominate everything they set out to do.

What personality is August? ›

August-born people are self-motivated, enthusiastic, stubborn, and energetic. They are always one step ahead to foresee obstacles ahead in your path. They are prepared with a solution or plan to overcome any adverse unforeseen incidents as well.

What is the rarest zodiac sign? ›

This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 25 July 2024.

Is Leo a fire sign? ›

And the fire signs — Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius — certainly live up to their element. These three radiant signs are famous for their signature passion, creativity, and courage. Natural-born leaders, fire signs know how to bring the heat.

Do Leo and Pisces get along? ›

Both of these zodiac signs have a soft side to them. Pisces brings up new ways of perceiving and experiencing, which Leo adores. Pisces appreciates the stability and motivation that Leo provides. The signs of Leo and Pisces show up to have been placed on our planet to promote very various types of love.

Who would a Leo be compatible with? ›

What signs are most compatible with Leo? Leos are typically most compatible with fellow fire signs Aries and Sagittarius, along with air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

What is a Leo personality? ›

As the fifth sign of the zodiac, fiery Leo is known for their ferocious and passionate attitude. Always one to embrace life to its fullest, the regal lion has a gregarious and jovial personality that others are often drawn to. Their self-assured, easy confidence comes down to their ruling planet.

What do Leos fall for? ›

Leos are attracted to energetic and passionate personalities. They are drawn to people who are living life to the fullest and finding adventure in their daily lives.

Who are Leos loyal to? ›

Leos tend to gravitate towards fellow fixed signs, Scorpio and Aquarius. Scorpios understand Leo's need for loyalty, and they both crave a lot of intensity when they're dating someone. Scorpio is very black and white about who they want to get to know and let into their life, and Leo usually feels the same.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.